That makes it okay!
Are you a reader of this comic? Are you a reader of this sentence? Then you can help! We're getting close to the release of the Gunnerkrigg Court: Orientation book now and getting the word out about it would be a huge help. It's on page 219 of Febuary's Diamond Previews, so if you happen to be in a comic shop any time soon all you need to do is get them to check it out. This goes for any book/comic store that uses Previews to place orders (near enough all of them) so this isn't limited to the US.
The book is also available for pre-order through and will soon be up on There is an ISBN there too so any store that doesn't use Previews should be able to search for it and order some in.
The few places that sell comics I was able to visit personally here in Birmingham were pretty eager when I showed them the book in Previews. The fact that it's listed as Kid Friendly was a big selling point for them because, let's face it, comics aren't exactly for kids anymore.
If you decide to help out then thanks a lot! Come over to the forums and let us know about it!
I'll be bringing more news about the book as it comes in.
(P.S. I've had a lot of really great emails since the book was announced and I'm really sorry if I've not gotten around to replying to you yet, but please know I read and appreciate every one! Thank you very much)